Fibonacci inspired portrait drawing on craft paper: “fanirjgi”


Stylized portrait of a glamorous young woman with shiny gold on mid tone brown craft paper.
28 x 21 cm  –  11 x 8,26 inches.
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Fanirjgi is an evocative, stylized portrait of a young woman's face with curling white hair and a big necklace created on brown paper.
It's a mysterious face and this is enhanced by the light that comes up from the bottom.
We know this type of light from sitting by the fire,
yet also from the paintings of Degas and Toulouse-de-Lautrec, who would often paint young theatre actresses or ballet dancers.
Even though Monique's portraits excel in drawing technique that raptures the viewers eye,
her art is more about the emotion that shines through the portraits.

For over a longer period of time, Van Steen is fascinated by the fibonacci-sequence that not only comes back over and over again in nature, yet also in the human body.
In this painting she deliberately uses this golden ratio in the curling hair of the figure.

This drawing is part of an ongoing series that is made on brown craft paper.
They all have space around the ladies's heads so it's easy to mat ( = get a passepartout around) it.
Which makes it easy to get a perfectly fitting frame for it that will integrate with your decor.